2024 Speaker Lineup

  • Gary Holden

    Gary Holden

    Keynote Speaker

    Managing Director and Founder, Lodestone Energy Limited

  • Sara Mudge

    Sara Mudge

    Senior Technical Lead, NB Power

  • Canon Bryan

    Canon Bryan

    CFO, Terrestrial Energy Inc.

  • Randy Thompson

    Randy Thompson

    CEO, Valhalla Private Capital

  • Giulia Brito Pound

    Giulia Brito Pound

    Sustainability Associate, Decentralised Energy Canada

  • Glen Gordon

    Glen Gordon

    CEO, Unico Power

  • John Rilett

    John Rilett

    Vice President, Business Model & Technology Pathways, Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp.

  • Mark Chapeski

    Mark Chapeskie

    Vice President, Program Development, Electricity Human Resources Canada

  • Marie Wilson

    Marie Wilson

    Author, Journalist and Former Commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

  • Brett Harris

    Brent Harris

    Founder and COO, Eguana Technologies

  • Graeme Edge

    Founder and CEO, Energy Disruptors and ScaleBlaze